Page 4 – Hitting the Street


Alright, got some issues worked out and it’s back to the grind. The next couple pages have already been laid out, and I’ve got plenty of story to go, so hopefully there won’t be many more extended delays like this last one. Tough to say for sure though.

As always, any feedback or criticism is welcome, and I’ve got the artist notes down below for those of you who like that sort of thing.

[EXPAND Artist’s Notes (Click to expand!)]
I’d struggled a lot with this comic. Not sure if it’s noticeable that I’ve drawn the last panel quite a while after the rest of the comic. I’d been really unhappy with how my art was progressing up to this point, and I almost scrapped this comic and started off in an entirely different direction, but then I calmed down and decided to keep rolling, and let the art work itself out. Should be an interesting next few pages from a technical standpoint (and hopefully the story works out too.)

The Morning Routine – Zombie-Spit #2


Ah the joys of starting a new project.  The frustration, the exploration, the realization that you’re not nearly as prepared as you might like.

Page 2 sticks with the silent comic approach. Once again I decided to end on onomatopoeia. I really enjoy comic sound effects I guess.

[EXPAND Artist’s Notes (Click to expand!)]
I’m absolutely unsure about the art direction in this one.  I’ve opted for the somewhat realistic hands and body posture for now, but I have a feeling I’m going to trend towards a slightly more stylistic approach in the future. We’ll see how things go over the course of the next few pages.

Zombie-Spit Begins


Page one of my post-apocalyptic zombie web comic. I’d really wanted to start this series out with a post a day, but unfortunately I was overly optimistic about how long these initial pages would take me to create.  Hopefully as time goes by I’ll speed up (as I figure things out.)

For now, the goal is a page a week. I’ve already got page two done, and page three is at 75%, so I should be good for the month of November. This should give me time to get the holiday season comics done without interruption. We’ll see.

As with any new comic endeavor, I’m going to be figuring out things as I go, so if any of you readers want to toss in your two cents regarding what you like and don’t like, or what you’d like to see more of, feel free.